Thursday, February 1, 2024

Navadhaniya Kolam Competition on 12.02.2024


Kolam is a traditional Indian art form where colourful patterns are created on the ground using coloured powders, rice, navadhaniyam, flower petals etc., Participating in a Kolam competition can be a creative and an enjoyable experience.


  • Encourage participants to showcase their creative and artistic skills by designing unique Kolam patterns.
  • Preserve and promote the traditional Indian art form of Kolam, which is an integral part of many festivals and celebrations.
  • Provide a platform for individuals or groups to display their artistic talents and receive recognition for their skills.
  • Foster a sense of community by bringing people together to appreciate and participate in this art form.
  • These objectives collectively contribute to the promotion, preservation, and celebration of Kolam as an art form and cultural tradition.


  • Participants get a platform to showcase their artistic talent.
  • Bring people together to appreciate art and culture, fostering a sense of togetherness and community spirit.
  • Helps in preserving the traditional art form of Kolam by encouraging its practice and appreciation.

Overall, the outcome of a Kolam competition is not just about who wins or loses, but about celebrating art, culture, and creativity while fostering a sense of community and tradition.

Report :

Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Library & NDLI Club conducted a Competition on “Navadhaniya Kolam Competition” on 12.02.2024 at 02.30 pm in DDGDVC Library. The competition was conducted for the NDLI Club Members of DDGDVC. The competition was judged by Dr.S.V.Nandini, Controller of Examinations, DDGD Vaishnav College. The gathering was welcomed by Dr.M.Mani, NDLI Club Secretary and Librarian, DDGDVC. All the teams performed well and it was highly appreciated by our judge. The event provided a platform for the students to showcase their artistic talents, and this can lead to increased recognition and appreciation for their skills. This event helped the students to explore art, culture and creativity while fostering a sense of community and tradition. Thirty two students participated in the competition and the top three teams were awarded. All the participants were given participation certificates. The event concluded with a gracious vote of thanks rendered by Dr.K.Kalpanadevi, Assisstant Professor, Department of B.Com (CS).

Total No. of Participants: 32

We honored Top Three Teams of the Competition:

I Prize

Selvi.P.Nivedidha, B.Com (General) (2022-2025 Batch)
Selvi.S.Keerthana, B.Com (General) (2022-2025 Batch)

II Prize

Selvi.N.Janani, BBA (2022-2025 Batch)
Selvi.M.Reema, BBA (2022-2025 Batch)

III Prize

Selvi.K.Nithya, BA Tamil (2021-2024 Batch)
Selvi.K.Thilagavathi, BA Tamil (2023-2026 Batch)

Photos :

I Prize
II Prize
III Prize

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