Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Saraswathi Pooja Celebration 30.09.2022

On the occasion of Saraswathi Pooja an event was organized in the Library on 30.09.2022.

Respected Secretary, Principal, all the Head of the departments, Teaching and Non-teaching staff and students were invited. They all participated enthusiastically and sought the blessings of the almighty. Activities like veena playing, slogan chanting, mirudangam playing, singing bajans and songs were presented on the occasion by the DDGDVC staff and students.

Google Photos  Link: 

YouTube Video:


Sunday, September 25, 2022

NDLI User Awareness Programme 29.09.2022


The session is aimed at Sociology Students to create awareness of the NDLI Club and how to become member and get benefited. The awareness programme will help in the increase of the member database and will increase the usage of the resources available in the NDLI portal.


Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College Library and NDLI Club organized a session on “NDLI User Awareness Programme” on 29.09.2022 at 03.00 p.m. by Dr.M.Mani, Librarian, and Ms.C.Premakumari, Assistant Librarian, DDGDVC. The session started with the welcome note by Dr. M. Mani, Librarian, and he explained about the NDLI portal the various resources available and how the students can tap the resources for their academic research. The session also covered the method of registering for the DDGDVC NDLI CLUB and how they can register for various activities and how they can generate certificate. The session ended with Vote of thanks by Mr.D.Rajini Ganth, Library Assistant, DDGDVC.

Participation Certificate Format



In-House Hands on Workshop on Effective Usage of E-Resources in Research 26.09.2022

Monday, September 12, 2022

Creative Idea Contest on 20.09.2022

The Creative Idea Contest was organized to motivate the creativity and critical thinking skills of the students. The competition enunciates the competency to contrive promptly, write persuasively and present well-connected ideas while writing in a compact passion. A good and well-creative writing style will be the key distinguishing element in determining the winners.

Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Library & NDLI Club organized and conducted Creative Idea Contest on 20.09.2022 at 02.30 pm in DDGDVC Library. The competition was conducted for the NDLI Club Members of DDGDVC. Thirty Three participants took part in the creative writing competition and the top three essays were selected. The winners were awarded with prizes. All the other participants were given participation certificates.

Total No.of Participants : 33

Participation Certificate Format:

We honored Top Three Participants of the Competition:

I Prize        
Mr.S.Sai Veera Ragavan,MCA (2021-2023 Batch)

II Prize      
Ms.Darshini Swathi,B.Com (F&T) (2020-2023 Batch)

III Prize    
Ms.A.Rithiyka,B.Sc Chemistry (2022-2025 Batch)



Deeksharambh - Student Induction Programme (SIP 2022) 12.09.2022

 Topic: Library Orientation: Know Your Library

 PG Department of Social Work

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Library Team Development Programme (LTDP) - 10 on 10.09.2022

Programme Objectives:
This topic was chosen in order to empower the library team members for searching advanced literature using relevant online database. A demonstration was provided on how to develop an effective search strategy using standard search techniques and database refine options.

Programme Outcome:
  1. Understand the literature search cycle
  2. Be able to access appropriate databases.
  3. Be able to identify appropriate search terms for related topic or research question.
  4. Develop search terms into an effective strategy using standard search techniques and database refine options.
  5. Evaluate search results.
  6. Save search history and set up search alerts.


Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College Library organized the 10th Library Team Development Programme (LTDP).

Library Team Development Programme (LTDP) on the topic “Tools for Literature Searching” presented by Mr.Sanmati Jitendran Jain, Semi Professional Assistant, Central Library, Central University of Tamilnadu. on 10.09.2022 at 10.30 am via Google Meet.

The welcome address was delivered by Dr.M.Mani, Librarian, DDGD Vaishnav College. Dr.S.Santhosh Baboo, Principal, DDGD Vaishnav College, Delivered a Presidential address. The Key note address was presented by Dr.P.Sathyanarayanan, Assistant Professor and Head i/c PG Department of Commerce (Shift II), DDGD Vaishnav College, Chennai. The resource person Mr.Sanmati Jitendran Jain took over the session and gave a detailed presentation on Tools for Literature Searching.The session concluded with Vote of thanks by Ms.J.Sangeetha, Assistant Librarian, DDGD Vaishnav college, Chennai.
