Saturday, July 17, 2021

Library Team Development Programme (LTDP) -1 on 17.07.2021


Library Team Development Programme -1  
Live Demo - Collage 17.07.2021

Total No. of Participants - 08

Programme Outcomes:
Library Team Development Programme (LTDP): Live Demo - Collage conducted on 17.07.2021 at 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm on completion of this programme the Library Team members exhibited their expertise to create collage and they used it for official purpose.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Webinar on NDLI User Awareness 14.07.2021

Total No. of Participants - 206

Participants Certificate Format  
Press Clippings

Report of the Webinar:

Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan DossVaishnav College Library and NDLI Club in association with National Digital Library of India and Ministry of Education, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur conducted a “WEBINAR ON NDLI USER AWARENESS”on 14.07.2021.

This successful webinar was conducted in the presence of the Hon’ble Secretary Shri. Ashok Kumar Mundhra.

The presidential address was given by the Principal and NDLI Club Patron Dr.S.Santhosh Baboo.

The welcome address was given by the Co-Convener, Dr.P.Suresh, Assistant Professor, Department of English and NDLI Club President.  The Librarian and NDLI Club Secretary Dr. M. Mani introduced the resource person.

Dr.Vignesh Sornamohan Chief Strategic and Outreach Officer National Digital Library of India, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, stressed the importance of using the National Digital Library of India. He explained the step-by-step process to create an account online and also demonstrated how to access the resources online.

The Webinar was attended by 206 Participants of Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College.

The vote of thanks was given by the Librarian Mrs.T.Sujatha Rammohan.

The Library Team and NDLI Club office bearers made all the necessary arrangement for the successful conduct of the webinar.

Webinar Outcome: 

The NDLI user awareness programme created awareness of the resources available in the NDLI among the user fraternity and the impact has resulted in the increase of NDLI portal usage and NDLI club membership. 

On behalf of DDGDVC Lirbary NDLI Club, we  whole heartedly Congratulate Mr.Dipesh, First year student of Accounting and Finance for being the first perosn to upload the Event Outcome in our NDLI Club Portal.