Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Book Release and Review Function 01.10.2021

 Book Release and Review Function 01.10.2021 | Time: 02.30 PM

Book Name: Vidhaithavanum Vidhaigalum (Novel)
Author: Dr.P.Murugan, Head, Department of Tamil
   DDGDVC Library NDLI Club Member

Programme Outcome:

Book Release and review will create awareness for the book and help initiate promotion for the book. The event allows you to personalize the emotion behind the pages and provide an experience for the readers to know about the author and the content of the book.

Event Report:

Dwaraka Doss GoverdhanDossVaishnav College Library NDLI Club and Department of Tamil organized a Book Release and Review function of the book “VidhaithavanumVidhaigalum” by Dr.P.Murugan, on 01.10.2021 at 2.30 pm in the Library.
The Book release started with the welcome address by Dr.M.Mani, Librarian and NDLI Club Secretary. 
The Presidential address was delivered by Dr. S.Santhosh Baboo, Principal and NDLI Club Patron and Hon’ble Secretary Shri. Ashok Kumar Mundhra graced the occasion as guest of honor.
Kalimamani Yervadi S.Radhakrishnan writer released the book by introducing the Author and the book title. The first copy of the book was received and reviewed by Dr.Mukilai Rajapandian, Former Registrar, Central Institute of Classical Tamil, Chennai, who gave his views on the title. Poet, S.Mathiazhagan, Best Teacher awardee and Retired Postgraduate Teacher commented on the book. Dr. K. Girivasan, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil was the first reader and he gave his views on the book. Vote of thanks was delivered by the author of the book  Dr.P.Murugan, Head, Department of Tamil, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College.

Total No. of Participants: 72

Google Photos Link:

Participation Certificate Format

Library Orientation Programme Department of Social Work on 01.10.2021

 Library Orientation Programme : Know Your Library
 Department of Social Work, 
DDGDVC on 01.10.2021
Time: 09.00 am to 11.15 am 

Total No. of Students : 38

Monday, September 27, 2021

Felicitation of Dr.S.Santhosh Baboo Principal of our College 25.09.2021

 Felicitation of Dr.S.Santhosh Baboo Principal of our College and Former Registrar  Manonmaniam Sundaranar University for being elected as  Member Syndicate University of Madras 25.09.2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Building STEM Intelligence through Storytelling on 20.09.2021

            Building STEM Intelligence through Storytelling

Date: 20.09.2021 (Monday) | Time: 04.00 PM | 
Platform: YouTube Live

Programme Outcome:
Sustainable Development Goals insists on differential learning among students. It is pertinent to inspire students from all discipline to understand science. Storytelling is one of the excellent time tested tool to reach young minds. This theme is to help students understand importance of science and Technology through storytelling. 

Event Report:
Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan DossVaishnav College Library and NDLI Club organized a YouTube Live programme “Building STEM Intelligence through storytelling” on 20.09.2021 to inspire young minds of DDGDVC.  

This successful YouTube Live was conducted in the presence of the Hon’ble Secretary Shri. Ashok Kumar Mundhra.

The presidential address was given by the Principal and NDLI Club Patron Dr.S.Santhosh Baboo.

The welcome address was given by the Librarian and NDLI Club Secretary Dr.M.Mani, Librarian Mrs.T.Sujatha Rammohan introduced the resource person.

Dr.D.Uthra, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Physics at Dwarka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College Chennai. opted the time tested tool storytelling to inspire students and made them understand the importance of science and Technology in our day to day activities.

The YouTube Live was attended by 148 Participants of Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College.

The vote of thanks was given by the Librarian Mrs.T.Sujatha Rammohan.

The Library Team and NDLI Club office bearers made all the necessary arrangement for the successful conduct of the webinar.

Total No. of Participants 148

Participation Certificate Format

Library Team Development Programme (LTDP) - 3 on 18.09.2021

 Programme Outcomes:

Library Team Development Programme (LTDP): 
Library Team is now confident in handling the ILMS: AutoLib Software and they have learned to use the various modules in the software to optimize the usage of the software. 

 The DDGDVC ILMS software in-house manual was prepared and Released

Released by: 
Associate Professor, Department of English, 
Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

NDLI & DDGDVC NDLI CLUB Registration Demo on 15.09.2021

      NDLI & DDGDVC NDLI CLUB Registration Demo on 15.09.2021

Department : UG - Physics (Aided)

Total Number of Students Benefited : 42