Friday, September 1, 2023

Fireless Cooking Contest on 11.09.2023

To Provide a platform for  the  students  to  foster  their  creativity, time management and decision making skills.

To help them explore their hidden talents and discover new areas of interest.

The event will give a platform to the students to demonstrate their organising skill and culinary knowledge and skills related to: developing and following a recipe, preparation of a dish, and displaying the dish before a judging panel where it will be evaluated on flavor, taste and palatability.

Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Library & NDLI Club conducted a Competition on “Fireless Cooking Contest” on 11.09.2023 at 02.30 pm in DDGDVC Library. The competition was conducted for the NDLI Club Members of DDGDVC. The competition was judged by Dr. U.Amaleshwari, Director, School of Management, DDGD Vaishnav College. The gathering was welcomed by Dr. P. Suresh, NDLI Club President and Assistant Professor, Department of English (Shift I), DDGDVC. All the teams performed well and it was highly appreciated by our judge. The event provided a platform for the students to foster their creativity, time management and decision-making skills. It further helped them explore their hidden talents and discover new areas of interest. Forty students participated in the competition and the top three teams were awarded. All the participants were given participation certificates.

Total No.of Participants : 40

Participation Certificate Format:

We honored Top Three Teams of the Competition:

I Prize

Selvi.M.Joohi Jahaan, BA Sociology (2022-2025 Batch)
Selvi.J.Aruna Tamilini, BA Sociology (2022-2025 Batch)

II Prize

Selvi.P.Nivedidha, B.Com (General) (2022-2025 Batch)
Selvi.S.Keerthana, B.Com (General) (2022-2025 Batch)

III Prize

Selvi.K.Nithya, BA Tamil (2021-2024 Batch)
Selvi.Lathifa Banu, BA Tamil (2021-2024 Batch)


I Prize
II Prize
III Prize

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