aim of this programme is to introduce students to the authentic and
authoritative sources of information to satisfy their information needs. The
threat of information overload looms large over the user population who are at
crossroads when searching for information. It is imperative that they are aware
of the right information sources at the right time to achieve heights of
success. Most of the time students and scholars turn to the Google search
engine to satisfy all of their information needs. There is a need to introduce
students to the better sources of information. Being able to research and use
materials which serve as a backbone for study or offer different
interpretations of the area are essential aspects of studying and learning.
Primarily students need to be aware of where to look for information, how to
access it and how to use it. They must also
be able to scrutinise the sources to check if they are relevant and of a
suitable nature to be included within the work.
workshop aims to introduce students to a plethora of information sources that
will help meet the information needs eliminating the dear of misinformation or
fake information.
- Introduction
to various information sources
- Access and use of information sources
- Rendering references using style manuals
Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College conducted Workshop
on “Sources for Literature Review” on 05.10.2023 at 10.00 am in the Seminar
hall-I. The workshop was attended by 41 participants comprising of students from the department of Economics.
Welcome Address was given by Selvi.Premika, 1st MA Economics. Presidential
address delivered by Dr.S.Santhosh Baboo, Principal, DDGD Vaishnav College. Dr.S.Subhashini,
Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Economics delivered the keynote
address. Dr.T.Umapathy, Assistant Professor, PG and Research
Department of Economics honoured the Resource Person Dr.H.Fazlunnisa, Assistant
Professor, Department of Library and Information Science & Library
in-charge Madras University Library, University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai. The
session began with an Introduction to Research and the Sources for Literature
Review by Dr.H.Fazlunnisa where the importance of a blueprint and a research
design was emphasized. The resource person also explained the process of
surveying literature before conducting a research, followed by a detailed
explanation of citations and plagiarism. The students were introduced to the
various databases and sources through which data can be collected for carrying
out research on any sort of topic. The students were also briefed on the
various tools for research, especially for submitting an E-Thesis and digital
library available on the web and the most effective ways to broaden or narrow
the scope for searching on a topic. The students were briefed on how to choose
the right scope and coverage for reviewing literature. A brief introductory
note to reviewing papers and open access databases was also given. The resource
person also gave notes on interpreting and collating data in the right way. The
various methods of collecting data. The concluding remarks were given on
drafting a quality literature review. The students were briefed on the
different types of style manuals and how to use reference management softwares. The students came up with
creative solutions to the open-ended questions deliberated during the session.
The workshop concluded with a prize distribution, and a feedback session. The
vote of thanks was rendered by Selvi.Lokeshwari, 2nd MA Economics,
Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College.
Total No. of Participants: 41
Feedback Analysis:
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