Wednesday, March 30, 2022

DDGDVC Library & SALIS Institutional Membership & MOU 30.03.2022



Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College Library and Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 30.03.2022.  Dr.S.Santhosh Baboo, Principal, DDGD Vaishnav College, Chennai and Dr. A. Hariharan (Rtd.), Head Knowledge Resource Centre, CSIR-SERC, Chennai and Founder President, SALIS, Chennai in the presence of Dr. S.Manikandan, Librarian and Information Assistant, Grade I, Anna Centenary Library, Chennai.  Dr. M. Mani, Librarian, Shift I, DDGD Vaishnav College, Chennai and Mrs.T.Sujatha Rammohan, Librarian, Shift II, DDGD Vaishnav College, Chennai received the MOU. The primary focus of the MOU is to work for the advancement of Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals, Faculty Members, Students and Research Scholars of our DDGDVC.

Dinamani || 31.03.2022 || Page No.04

 Rajasthan Patrika 01.04.2022
01.04.2022 Dakshin Bharat

1 comment:

  1. Well maintained Library for the present generation. Library staff members are working as a team. Congratulations to all. Wish you all the best
