- To understand the importance of digital preservation for scholarly publications in the digital age.
- To explore the role of institutional repositories in ensuring long-term access to scholarly materials.
- To examine the challenges associated with digital preservation within institutional repositories.
- To gain a strong understanding of the concept of digital preservation and its significance for scholarly communication.
- To critically evaluate the role of institutional repositories in preserving digital scholarship.
- To equip the Library Team with strategies and best practices for implementing and managing digital preservation within their own repositories.
Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav
College Library organized the 17th Library Team Development
Programme (LTDP) on the topic “Institutional Repositories in the Context of
Digital Preservation" presented by Mr.S.Selva Kumar, Graduate Library
Trainee, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research
(NITTTR), Taramani, Chennai on 27.07.2024 at 10.00 am at our Library.
The welcome address was delivered by Ms.C.Premakumari,
Assistant Librarian, DDGD Vaishnav College. Dr.M.Mani, Librarian, introduce the
resource person. Dr.S.Santhosh Baboo, Principal, DDGD Vaishnav College,
Delivered a Presidential address and honored the resource person. The resource
person Mr.S.Selva Kumar took over the session and gave a detailed lecture on Institutional
Repositories and Digital Preservation. The session concluded with vote of
thanks by Ms.D.Abirami, Assistant Librarian DDGD Vaishnav College. Master of
the ceremony for this programme was Mr.M.Vigneshwaran, Library Assistant.