Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Webinar on The Art of Authoring A Textbook on 22.01.2022

The webinar is aimed at young Authors who would like to pen their experiences and publish. Students are given an insight into writing process, techniques used by authors to organize their thoughts and how to work with a publisher.

Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College Library and NDLI Club organized a webinar on “The Art of Authoring a Textbook” on 22.01.2022 at 3.00 p.m. by Dr.J.Jayasankar, Associate Professor & Head, PG and Research Department of Commerce, Eminent Author.  

Dr.P.Suresh, Assistant Professor, English Department and NDLI Club President, DDGDVC delivered the welcome address. 

Presidential address was delivered by Dr.S.Santhosh Baboo, Principal, DDGDVC. 

Ms.D.Abirami, Assistant Librarian, DDGDVC introduced the resource person. 

Dr.J. Jayasankar, advised the students to Write every day and spend just a few minutes or more than an hour, and told that it’s important to put aside time to write every day.  He told not to worry about word count, speed, or even editing. He also advised the students to read, read, read! read like a writer: Question the plot, settings, and characters. He gave tips on how to publish the work, he said each publication has specific guidelines for formatting, word count, and subject matter-and will expect to follow them.With these tips and the dedication to put in the time and effort, he said that students might get their first publication credit before they finish college.

The session ended with Vote of thanks by Dr. M. Akhila, Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Commerce, DDGDVC.

Total No.of Participants :  126

Participation Certificate Format


We honoured Active Participant of the Webinar:
Selvan.R.Saiyam/B.Com (Finance & Taxation)/21E3624

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Webinar on Youth and Value System Today on 19.01.2022

The webinar is aimed at students to inculcategood moral values such as kindness, humility, courage, and compassion at an early age. It forms the very core of their being and becomes a foundation of their moral beliefs; this will help in building good character. This is why it's essential to start teaching them moral values while they're still young.

Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College Library and NDLI Club organized a webinar on “Youth and Value System Today” on 19.01.2022 at 11.00 a.m. by Dr.T.S.Prema, Associate Professor & Head, PG and Research Department of Economics, NAAC and IQAC Coordinator/ Public Debater/Member Secretary Academic Council.  

Dr.M.Mani, Librarian Shift I, DDGDVC delivered the welcome address. Presidential address was delivered by Dr.S.SanthoshBaboo, Principal, DDGDVC.  Mr.V.Mainar, Assistant Professor, Department of English, DDGDVC introduced the resource person.

Dr.T.S.Prema, spoke about values which are important because they help us to grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience. Every individual and every organization is involved in making hundreds of decisions every day.Individual values reflect how you show up in your life and your specific needs-the principles you live by and what you consider important for your self-interest.  Individual values include enthusiasm, creativity, humility, and personal fulfillment.  Relationship values reflect how you relate to other people in your life, be they friends, family, or colleagues in your organization. Relationship values include opennesstrustgenerosity, and caring. The session ended with Vote of thanks by Mrs.T. Sujatha Rammohan, Librarian, Shift II, DDGDVC.

Total No.of Participants : 104

Participation Certificate Format


We honoured Active Participant of the Webinar:
Selvan.K.Akash/B.Com (Finance & Taxation)/21E3649

Library Team Development Programme (LTDP) - 7 on 17.01.2022


Programme Outcome:

The LTDP is aimed to enhance the skills of the library staff in system trouble shooting and short cuts. This training session will enable us to handle trouble shooting issues independently.
