The session ended with
Vote of thanks by Dr. M. Akhila, Assistant
Professor, PG
and Research Department of Commerce, DDGDVC.
The session ended with
Vote of thanks by Dr. M. Akhila, Assistant
Professor, PG
and Research Department of Commerce, DDGDVC.
Dr.T.S.Prema, spoke about values which are important because they help us to
grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience.
Every individual and every organization is involved in making hundreds of
decisions every day.Individual values
reflect how you show up in your life and your specific needs-the principles you
live by and what you consider important for your self-interest. Individual values include enthusiasm,
creativity, humility, and personal
Relationship values reflect how you relate to other people in your life,
be they friends, family, or colleagues in your organization. Relationship
values include openness, trust, generosity, and caring. The
session ended with Vote of thanks by Mrs.T. Sujatha Rammohan, Librarian, Shift II, DDGDVC.
Total No.of Participants : 104
The LTDP is aimed to
enhance the skills of the library staff in system trouble shooting and short
cuts. This training session will enable us to handle trouble shooting issues